I adore this cat.
She is the snuggliest of the kitties, often jumping into your lap when you are still at the table eating dinner (a discouraged behavior!).
She has a sixth sense about when you are planning on tossing the covers aside and actually get out of bed in the morning. At this precise moment she comes and lays on your chest.
She sometimes sighs as she purrs in contentedness.
She is a gorgeous jet black tabby, although her stripes have not been visible since she was a kitten.
Her green eyes are often the only feature you can see in her entire face, making her look quite exotic.
The tips of her ears flare just a tiny bit, adding to her exotic good looks.
She is the only cat that will play with Karma.
Her tail when she poufs is wider at the bottom than the top, and the hair stands up in a ridge along her backbone.
She swishes her tail when she walks, in a sassy sashay.
She sticks close to home, never making us wonder where she's gone off to.
She's a beautiful bundle of love.
Cheers -