Hello and welcome to Gypsy Farmgirl!
I'm Victoria, a farmer, writer, and traveler who up until 2012 had no current permanent address. In the past nine years I've moved six times and lived in three states including Hawaii.
In late 2011 my husband and I decided to skip our typical (harsh) Midwestern winters so we moved to Hawaii where we lived and worked on an organic coffee farm, leaving our farm critters scattered on four farms across three states. You can read about those adventures here.
Our current adventure is settling into our very own 40-acres in the Kickapoo Valley area of western Wisconsin between Madison and La Crosse, where we are putting down roots and growing our herds and flocks, while still leaving room in our lives for travel and adventures in the off-season.
Our farm menagerie currently includes 9 alpacas, 3 Icelandic ewes, 30+ laying chickens, 2 roosters, 6 Sweetgrass turkeys, 3 Velveteen Lop rabbits, and 4 spoiled house/farm cats.
Need a story for your newsletter, blog or website? Photos of your farm? Or are you interested in creating your own blog or small business website? Or maybe you have a website but don't have time to update it? I can help. Drop me an e-mail at: aspendance {at} gmail {dot com}.
Thanks for visiting!
Cheers -