I'm so excited I could squeak. And I think I did when MaryJanes Farm Magazine first contacted me back in December to say they were going to publish one of my essays!
One of my essays!
In my very favorite magazine which I own every single issue except the Premiere issue!
A magazine which is published nationally!
I've had to keep my mouth shut THIS LONG PEOPLE.
I'm SO glad I don't have to keep it a secret any longer.
If you're in the vicinity of a good book store or a whole foods type of grocery store this month or next, be sure to look for her April/May issue. You'll find my little story about being a Farmgirl on page 24.
Oh, and if you've never perused this magazine before, be prepared to fall in love. This gal was raising 2 kids by herself on nothing but 5 acres and a house with no running water. From that humble beginning she created an organic line of foods, a U-Pick CSA, a Farmgirl revival movement, wrote 3 books (#4 on the way), opened two stores, runs a Tent & Breakfast, and has a magazine.
In other words, this Farmgirl rocks.
I can't express what an honor it is for me to have my very first published piece be printed in her magazine.
Please check her out and visit her website. You'll be glad you found her.
Cheers -
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