Saturday, May 19, 2012

Shearing the Boys

Holy Burdock Batman!

Remember this?  How to clear your pasture of burdock?

With temps predicted to go over 90 this weekend and the boys still in full fleece, we decided it was time to run into La Crosse and shear the boys.

Monet - feelin' cooler

It went surprisingly well.

No knee incidences this time, thank goodness.

There was space in the stall the boys share to tether the leg tie-outs.  The cement floor of the barn kept us all cool during the process.

The boys didn't complain.  Much.

Boo - all done!

Boo was our first victim client. Rather than running away to the far corners of the pasture when it was over, he peeked in the doorway and watched Monet get his turn.

The shears worked.

Everything worked.

Before long, we had two naked alpacas running around. 

Monet & Boo feelin' cooler

And two big bags of fleece.

With burdock thrown in, for free.

Cheers - 


Victoria Strauser said...

They do look so very different! They're about to undergo the same transformation!

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