Blog Archive

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Baby Bale Blues

"I can take you for a ride on my big green tractor..."

Despite the worst drought in 60 years, third crop was recently cut on the Little Farm, most of it from the back acres that have not been grazed or cut this season.

We ended up with ten round bales. 

Mojo & Kali enjoying the shade of a Big Bale

And a half.

Baby Bale has grand hopes of becoming a big hay bale some day.

Mojo off to explore the rest of the bales

I haven't broken the bad news to him yet.

Which reminds me of one of the oldest jokes I know:

Kali "baling" out of here

Who's bigger - Mrs. Bigger, or Mrs. Bigger's baby?

Mrs. Bigger's baby is just a little bigger.

Baby Bale blues
That's what Baby Bale needs to be - just a little bigger.

Cheers -


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