Sunday morning dawned nice and crispy cold. -18 degrees crispy. But it didn't stop these two from their normal eager morning ritual, which now includes pre-tasting the alfalfa hay as I carry it out of the tack room.

Even after I scatter the flake around the snow out by the fence, Boo still looks at me as if wondering if I have any other hidden treats for him.
Oh Boo, I just want to bury my face in your soft, fuzzy neck!

But rather than torture him so early on a frigid cold morning, I headed back into the warm house and started a batch of cheddar-potato-soup in my recently acquired and already much-loved cast-iron Dutch oven.

The original recipe came from
The Farm Chicks website, but I no longer see the Pantry heading where I originally found it. At any rate, I dollied it up a bit by adding onion, garlic, and cooked bacon to the mix - wowza, this batch was amazing! Part of the credit also has to go to the
Otter Creek Summer Aged Cheddar Cheese.
This might just be the best cheese, and cheesy soup, I have ever tasted!
After I died and went to heaven and came back to earth again, it was time to head into St. Paul to the
Science Museum of Minnesota.
Sadly my little point & shoot does not take good flash pictures indoors, so I left it home. You'll just have to picture two of the only adults there without small children, wandering the exhibits having a blast.
One of our favorite exhibits was the
Experiment Gallery, which included hands-on learning with wave tanks, convection currents, and even a tornado display.
We did also attend one Omni Theater film,
Tropical Rainforest, with approximately five million children under the age of five.
It wasn't nearly as amazing as the Hubble film we viewed at the
Denver Museum of Science and Nature on our recent trip to CO (which is also showing at the St. Paul museum). But it did give us a chance to rest our feet for a bit.
We couldn't pass up the gift shop, either, where in another fit of unexpected shopping bliss I procured these delicate earrings by Trish Waldron of

Oh my!
My quest for perfect pink and pearl earrings is over! Just as our quest for the perfect butter dish. Quite a weekend, no?
But I was in for one more surprise - after purchasing them, I flipped the tag over and was startled to read this on the back:

How could they know we are currently struggling with transition? Where to purchase a farm, what careers to pursue?
And who are they, anyway? Earring angels?
It was eerie.
I've been wearing them ever since.
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