Because I am tired of snow in my backyard, in the barnyard, and blowing into the barn...
Because I long for spring in the worst way...
Because I had a free airfare voucher that needed to be used up by 3/16...
Because I had not seen my best friend from high school in way, too long...
I am spending some time in San Francisco (well actually San Carlos, just south of San Fran) this week working and visiting my friend Lowell.
Yesterday I stood outside his house in the 58 degree sunshine with just a t-shirt. It felt like heaven.
(Ok, so I also had pants on).
There is green grass here. And birdsong. And... and... I almost can't believe it, there are FLOWERS!

This one was on a tree! An entire tree full of flowers like this! Lowell says it is a Camellia tree. I have never seen the likes of it before. He also says the tulip trees are blooming now also. I can't wait to see what they look like.

Even the fresh green foliage of a potted houseplant on the front step delighted me.

But my favorite part of their front porch was a visitor called Pippi. She has adopted Lowell's porch as her second home. She seemed as delighted by the sunshine as I was.

Even if it rains all week, which it is supposed to do, I will be as happy as a duck in a puddle. An unfrozen puddle.

Happy Spring!
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